Friday, October 26, 2007

I went to the Laff House...finally

I am a huge fan of comedy and I love to laugh. Although I am often very quiet and reserved in situations and environments I am not yet comfortable, I am a very silly, comedic individual. Since about two years ago, I have been going to the Laff House, a comedy club, which is located on the infamous South Street. This past summer, I religiously was in attendance EVERY week, oftentimes going with my friends from college, or high school, or even on a date. I made sure I was there. The laff house has open mic nites on Wednesday, stand up Thursdays, while Friday and Saturday, were reserves for shows with "headliners" (well-known, experiences comedians) such as, Kevin Hart, Shang Forbes, Rudy Rush. All summer I have been going to stand-up Thursdays (where the show is only $10!), but since school has started, I haven't had the chance to go. Last night, however, I was in attendance! I laughed so hard I almost fell of my stool, seriously, several times. Everytime I go to the laff house, I am guaranteed to laugh until my eyes water and stomach hurts. There has been so many times, my cheek muscles hurted from smiling and laughing so hard.
Many people have told me, I should be a paid spokesperson for the laff house, as I have excitedly introduced many of my friends and co-workers to the club. Everyone who has came loves it, and frequents the club more than I do.
If you come to Philly, you must visit the Laff House on South Street!!
Visit the website!

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