Monday, February 18, 2008

Black History Showcase at the PA Convention Center

This weekend my and my mom got dressed to impressed in African cultural attire and attended the Black History Showcase, which lasted all weekend, at the Pennslyvania Convention Center. The event featured a diverse mix of exhibits and activities that used REAL people, such as Negro League Players, Tuskegee Airmen and Buffalo Soldiers, real objects including replicas and other information about items invented by African Americans, and real stories to accurately present important eras and extraordinary achievements or events in African American history. The free event was a tribute which utilized different interactive, educational, inspirational exhibits along with award winning documentary films, stage plays and panel discussions. There was a theatre area where documentary and films were shown. The man who Cuba Gooding portrayed in Man of Honor, hes son was there representing his father and their organization, with pictures, film, and othe artifacts.
A priceless experience and moment indeed. I wish I had nieces and nephews or cousins, in the area and old enough..because it was a vital and neccessary essential opporotunity for a young African-American child to experience.
For more info visit

Monday, February 11, 2008

EDUC Psychology of the African-American

My EDUC 522 Psychology of the African American was probably the most highly anticipated courses I’ve ever taken. Dr. Stevenson, the professor of the course is a cool dude. He is very serious, knowledgeable, passionate, and something like a comedian. Some of the articles and readings are so refreshing, inspiring and especially informative. Some of the topics included in the classroom conversations and articles were: stereotypes and racism, the source of the anger and aggression in Black boys, white privilege, and heinous acts of violence towards Black people like lynching (Emmett Till). The readings and the classroom conversations inspired me to brush up on classic African-American films. So when I was at the library, I borrowed the Color Purple DVD . Watching the movie, it occurred to me how it was very reminiscent of the readings and conversations of the class. Things such as, the unfair treatment of Blacks, the lack of certain amenities such as running water, the unique language and likeness of Black culture. Something of the things made me smile with proud and affirmation and others that filled me with sorrow, frustration, and fuel for my life’s passion and purpose.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ph.D weekend

This weekend was a busy weekend for some of the top PH.D applicants from the various programs at GSE. These 35 applicants were flew in, or drove in some cases, to a chilly but sunny Philadelphia’s University City. They stayed at the luxurious Inn at Penn, of which several of the applicants divulged to me the loveliness of the king size bed with numerous pillows. The applicants had a very busy schedule. They meet with professors and chairs of their programs, the dean and vice dean, admissions and financial aid, current students and alumni. The potential student’s who represented states from all over the country such as Florida, Michigan and Vermont, also meet individually with at least two members of their program in a “conversation”. The PH.D weekend wasn’t strictly business for the prospects, there were many opportunity for mingling with one another and current students, they were also given a trolley tour of the city of Brotherly Love, and many of them ventured out to explore Philly’s night life.
I truly hope, and am pretty confident, many of the applicants walked away with a great feeling about Penn, their individual programs, but more importantly, a genuinely welcomed feeling.